About this report
GRI: 102-1, 102-5, 102-45, 102-56
The 2019 integrated Annual Report of PJSC PhosAgro (the Company, PhosAgro) provides insight into the performance of parent company PhosAgro and its subsidiaries (jointly referred to as “PhosAgro Group” or the “Group”). The key subsidiaries of the Group and PhosAgro’s stake in these subsidiaries are presented in the Company’s 2019 IFRS consolidated financial statements.
The report highlights how we integrate ESG principles into everything we do. In the reporting year, the Company approved sustainable development as a key strategic priority. The Board of Directors established a dedicated committee to strengthen PhosAgro’s leadership in both sustainability and corporate governance.
To ensure compliance with the materiality principle and comparability with historical data, the Sustainability Report section discloses data on Apatit, including its branches and standalone business units, only. The disclosure does not include information on other companies that are part of the group to which Apatit and PhosAgro belong.
The report was pre-approved by PhosAgro’s Board of Directors on 20 February 2020 (Minutes dated 21 February 2020) and the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting on 22 May 2020 (Minutes dated 26 May 2020). JSC KPMG audited the financial statements, whilу JSC Deloitte and Touche CIS provided limited assurance in relation to the sustainability data.